Core Business Intelligence understands the challenges of running an operations or call center for a small to large-sized organization. As a former C.O.O. and VP Operations, Dean has a deep-rooted passion for operational efficiencies and has consistently improved several operations through detailed analysis, identifying industry best practices, adding innovation and technology solutions and ensuring that corporate and employee objectives are aligned with what the client expects from the business.
Unfortunately, the traditional method of discovery involving employee interviews, side-by-side observation and manually documenting business process maps is imperfect and inaccurately captures all of the cross-system processes or hacks employees can use to complete their tasks in complex systems. StereoLOGIC software enables you to monitor the work of multiple employees and generate the end-to-end process maps automatically.
Establishing a partnership with StereoLOGIC, led by the brilliant Dr. Sofia Passova, whose solutions have been recognized by Gartner and successfully implemented at Fortune 500 Companies, was the perfect fit for Core Business Intelligence.
“StereoLOGIC offers a more complete picture of reality and can handle employee productivity comparisons or workload optimization over different processes and related tasks.” – Gartner Market Guide for Process Mining
StereoLOGIC is a pioneer in task mining. The US patent was issued in 2019 for their innovative technology that uses screen recognition and user-system interactions to discover employee processes and tasks and the latest achievements in AI and Computer Vision. StereoLOGIC is the only technology that accurately extracts and maps the employee tasks without any desktop installation. Even if these tasks are frequently interrupted, as employees switch from one task to another, StereoLOGIC will provide accurate documentation and analytics data for each task. You will know when the task was started and finished, how much time was spent working on the task, how many times it was interrupted and why.
Core Business Intelligence is one of the select global partners, along with larger auditing firms like KPMG and EY. Core has exclusive partnership benefits for its small to medium-sized clients. With Core’s 25+ years of extensive operations experience, we can help find a solution that is customized for a company with a limited budget. Having worked closely with internal and external audit firms (on ISAE 3402, CSAE 3416, SSAE 16, SOC1 / SOC2 – Type 1 / 2, ITGC, GIPS, BCP / DR, departmental and cyber security audits), Core BI understands the risks and KPIs that are critical for your success.
You DO NOT need to focus on all of your company processes. This is NOT a resource draining initiative and is VERY cost-effective.
- Are you struggling with inefficient processes? … inconsistent team performance with non-value add activities?
- Are you wondering if your critical processes are as efficient with employees working from home?
- Do you need to quickly understand the exact cause for your performance delays and errors?
- Do you want to know how much time is spent on servicing each client? … and why it takes so long?
“Advanced process mining produced a significant acceleration of discovery and diagnostics of processes for roadmap development… 12 weeks was reduced to 72 hours.” – Chair of Business Transformation World Summit 2020
Let’s discuss your top 1 or 2 critical processes, so we can improve customer response times, reduce errors and operating costs and increase your operational savings.
“StereoLOGIC enables us to see what’s actually going on in production.”
– Sr. Director, Technology & Operations – Canadian Bank
“The results we got with StereoLOGIC are very impressive!”
– Sr. Manager, NA Call Centre Operations – Pitney Bowes
To explore new strategic partnership ideas, please reach out. Let’s talk.