Core Business Intelligence understands that there is no ‘perfect’ plan in the game of integration and transformational change management – only intelligent and timely ones. Most plans take much longer than they should. And before they can be completed, management’s attention is often pulled elsewhere, which dramatically reduces the anticipated economies of scale.
Today’s deals often look to complement and strengthen capacity to service customers’ expanding needs but require great integration management that mandates operational effectiveness. Many acquisition targets focus on gaining existing customers, distribution channels, technology, skilled people and key partnerships. These assets must be protected and integrated with special care and attention – this takes a unique skill.
Growth by acquisition becomes a winning strategy when companies can be consolidated rapidly, while being aware of the key fundamentals, so the plan is managed successfully.
Core’s CEO & President, Dean Lucrezi, has a proven ability to lead, engage, inspire and empower during extensive organizational change and was selected by a U.S. M&A consulting firm as the operations and integration specialist to evaluate seven acquired companies across Canada and successfully build the largest financial dealership in Canada. Since then, Dean has assisted and led several multi-layered integration and transformational change management plans and understands the importance of avoiding the natural tendency to slow down the execution because of misguided internal sensitivities to change. The primary challenges are operational in nature and you must achieve the financial results you were looking for – fast.